Once again the seasons turn and Analemma Society held a noontime celebration of the 2021 Summer Solstice on June 20th at Turn Farm Observatory Park. The photo below shows visitors standing around the new analemmatic sundial created by scout Kenny Dieffenderfer & Scout Toop 1547 just days before the Solstice event.
photo by Dr. Jeff Kretsch
A wide variety of events were held, including understanding the distance between planets, cutting out paper sundials (below left), and seeing celestial visitors that have landed on earth (below right)...no not aliens, but meteorites. Alan Figgatt, Nathan Offenbacher and Jeff Kretsch worked the telescopes inside the Roll-Top Observatory. The Jamestown and Analemmatic Sundials were used. Cal Powell had the meteorite display table. Mary Blessing did a solar system exercise, and Robert Anderson did the sundial cutout table and helped with the sunspotters. Fiston Keita with NOVAC brought his H-alpha scope for direct observng of the sun. Mo from Riverbend handled attendance and assisted with setup and cleanup.