At the end of March, 2023, around the 27th, look at the evening sky. If you have a clear view of the western horizon, you'll be able to see Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, (and maybe faint Uranus), the crescent moon, and Mars.
On March 22nd Dr. Jeff Kretsch took an evening photo through partially cloudy skies to show Jupiter and the Moon. Look for clear skies in the west and you'll find Mercury and Jupiter close to the horizon. Venus will be half way brtween the horizon and the Moon. Uranus is just a little higher in the sky than Venus, but it's faint and without binoculars, you may miss it. Just above the Moon is Mars, distinguished by its reddish color. [Don't be fooled by the stars of Procyon or Castor and Pollux or Capella that surround the moon at a greater distance. Mars is faint and relatively close to the moon on the 27th