On Sunday, March 19, 2023 one day before the Spring Equinox, Analemma Societycelebrated the Equinox at Observatory Park, Turner Farm. With the Roll-Top roof open, observers had a chance to see sunspots through the Coronograph as shown in the ophoto at right. (never look at the sun without eye protection). Other telescopes were pointed at the planets of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
Outside Dean Howarth, a living-history interpreter, appeared as Copernicus who discussed the revolutionary concept that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Bob Kellogg had a table of sundials from "simple horizontal garden sundials to a digital sundials that cast time numerals of light. Analemma Society also displayed the model sundial presented to Fairfax Parks on the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, VA. A larger version of the sundial is at Observatory Park,Turner Farm in the Sundial Garden.
As visitors entered the park they could walk along the "planetary path" showing the relative distances of the planets from the sun. Mary Blessing and Cristina Wenks heped youngesters observe the inner planets and the long walk to find Jupiter. Along the way, visitors could cast their own shadows using the Analemmatic Sundial designed by Kenny Dieffenderfer of Boy Scout Troop 1547..