
The Analemma Society a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization registered in the state of Virginia. Not-for-profits are able to receive federal and state tax- exempt status. This means Analemma Society is not required to pay federal or state income taxes during the fiscal year. To receive and maintain tax-exempt status, Analemma Society must:

  • Operate exclusively for the purposes set forth in the Analemma Society Articles of Incorporation to develop awareness, appreciation, and understanding of science through astronomy for children and adults through educational programs, publishing, and the operation of an observatory.
  • Use any Analemma Society funds to inure any individual.
  • Not attempt to influence legislation nor participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.

Officers and Board of Directors

Officers and the Board of Directors shall recuse themselves from decision of the Analemma Society if there is a conflict of interest. Specifically,

  • When there is a decision to be made or an action to be approved that will result in a conflict between the best interests of the Analemma Society and the Board member’s personal interests, the Board member has a duty to immediately disclose the conflict of interest so that the rest of the Board’s decision making will be informed about the conflict.
  • Any conflicts of interest, including, but not limited to financial interests, on the part of any Board Member, shall be disclosed to the Board when the matter that reflects a conflict of interest becomes a matter of Board action, and through an annual procedure for all Board members to disclose conflicts of interest.
  • Any Board Member having a conflict of interest shall not vote or use his or her personal influence to address the matter, and he or she shall not be counted in determining the quorum for the meeting.

Society Conduct

To ensure that Analemma Society provides sufficient transparency, the Society shall conduct business in conformance with the following:

  • Analemma Society operation is done transparently among all officers and board of directors via email exchanges wherein Analemma Society operations are discussed and, when necessary, voted upon by the board.  Emails of the board transactions are maintained by the Recording Secretary consistent with Analemma Society document retention policy.
  • Analemma Society shall report to Fairfax County Park Authority a report of activity and events for the prior year. The report shall also be made available to the public and AS members.
  • Analemma Society shall maintain zero tolerance of harassment or discrimination in all of its activities.
  • The Annual Meeting is held in accordance with Analemma Society bylaws, electing the slate of Officers and Board of Directors with a quorum present. Minutes of the Annual Meeting shall be recorded and approved by the Board of Directors and made available to all members and volunteers of the Society. 
  • The Treasurer shall report on a regular basis at Board Meetings financial activity of income from dues, donations, on-line payment systems (e.g. PayPal) and reimbursements from Fairfax County Park Authority held grants; and document expenses and reimbursement activity, reconciling with the Analemma Society bank accounts. Undesignated and Restricted funds shall be reported separately.
  • The Treasurer shall make the financial books/spreadsheets of the Analemma Society available to members and the public upon request.  Statements of Financial Position and Activity shall be presented at the Annual Meeting and published via the Analemma Society website to all Society members and the public.

Policy Reviewed On

Reviewed and Approved by By

February 25, 2025

Anlemma Board Members