RATO and Roll TopObservatory Park at Turner Farm

The Analemma Society holds Friday Night Public Viewing Sessions at Turner Farm in Great Falls, VA.

Friday night hours 7:30 - 9:30 PM

Hours will remain until next Spring.

We maintain 4 telescopes in the Roll-Top Observatory for public viewing.  In addition, we continue to invite the public to bring their own telescopes and set up outside the Roll-Top or as the weather warms, bring their own binoculars for observing on the grass. There is a lot to see in the night sky.

These public observing sessions at Observatory Park are open to all. Check the Event Notice box on this website or  @AnalemmaSociety on X (formerly twitter) under the Observing Update Tweets link for open or cancel updates on the Friday public viewing sessions.  The Observing Page also has sky weather updates.   Wear appropriate clothing - nights can be very chilly. The Roll-Top observatory has an enclosed classroom, but the observatory room is not heated and is open to the sky.

Breaking the Attendance Record

The combination of Scout Groups and Green Comet watchers brought 285 visitors and students to Observatory Park at Turner Farm on a very cold (18 deg and windy) Friday Night on February 3rd.  At the end of May on a clear Firday night we had close to 300 visitors.  For the Perseid Meteor Shower last August we had more than 2000 visitors at Observatory Park, Turner Farm.  Come join us. And, don't forget to sign up with Fairfax County Parktakes for courses at Observatory Park at our Roll-Top Observatory and Educational Classroom at Turner Farm

Here's what's up in the sky for October 2024

  • Planets:  Venus, Saturn, Neptune
  • 1 Ceres (Sagitarius)
  •  Moon
  • Double Stars:
    • Mizar/Alcor (Ursa Majoris)
    • Eta Cassiopeia
    • Rasalgethi (Alpha Hercules)
    • Double-Double (Epsilon Lyrae)
    • Gamma Delphini
    • Psi-1 Draconis
    • 61 Cygni
  • Stars with Color:
    • Mirach (Red Giant)
    • Vega (Blue-White)
    • Mu Cephei (Hershel's Garnet Star)
    • T Lyra *Carbon Star)
  • Globular Clusters:
    • M22 (Sagitarius)
    • M13, M92 (Hercules)
    • M15 (Pegasus)
    • M2 (Aequarius)
  • Open Clusters:
    • M11 (Wild Duck)
    • M29 (Cygnus)
    • M52 (Cassiopeia)
    • NGC 7789 (Cassiopeia)
  • Planetary Nebulae:
    • M57 (Ring Nebula)
    • M27 (Dubmbbell)
    • NGC 6543 (Cat's Eye Nebula)
  • Bright Nebulae
    • M17 (Swan Nebula)
  • Galaxies:
    • M31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
    • M32 & M110 (Satellite Galaxies of M31)
    • NGC 7331 (Pegasus)



There are 4 telescopes set up for viewing in the Roll-Top observatory including a 7" high quality refractor.  For public sessions, we may also have telescopes set up outside the building along the walkway to look through. Members of the public are welcome to bring their own telescopes and set them up as well. If you bring your own telescope equipment and have not been at one of our public sessions before, we recommend you contact one of the volunteers first upon arrival so we can guide you on where to set up.

When you pull into the access road leading into the park, follow the road to the parking lot that will be to the left. Please put your headlights on low when entering the parking lot.  All visitors must park in the parking lot. Enter through the pedestrian gate in the Northwest corner of the parking lot and follow the walkway up to the Roll-Top building (the squat building with the moveable roof). For public sessions, the Analemma Society will have a coordinator present to greet people and provide directions. But if the coordinator is busy or providing assistance inside the building, enter through the gray door on the walkway side of the Roll-Top building.

These events are very weather dependent.  Check the Event Notice box on this website or the @AnalemmaSociety (formerly twitter) account under the Observing Update Tweets link for open or cancel updates on the Friday public viewing sessions.

Note:  We have had several requests asking about bringing their dog to the park.   Dogs are not allowed into the Roll-Top or RATO observatories and classroom unless they are service dogs.  Having your well behaved dog outside on a leash is allowed by the FCPA.  Picking up after your dog is a must.

Note: Fairfax County Park policy: no alcohol or marijuana in the park.  Thank you.