From Washington Lee University Shuko and Bryon Petty created a musical tribute in memory of Charles Olin of compositiions by Chopin and Schumann. They noted his remarkable capability as an art onservator and recognized along with his wife Jacque, founded the Analemma Society.
From they note:
"Charles H. Olin (1933-2023) received a B.S. in physics at Dickinson College. He attended graduate school in Fine Arts at Cornell Univ. and the Art Conservation Center at N.Y. Univ. Invited by the Smithsonian Institution, he established multiple Conservation Programs; the Museum Conservation Institute, Smithsonian American Art Museum Lunder Center, and the Conservation Lab at the National Portrait Gallery. Additionally, he conserved exhibits for two Museum openings, established analytical processes and training programs for future conservators. Charles was among the founding members and a Fellow of the American Institute for Conservation. In private practice, Charles conserved works by Van Dyck, Rubens, etc., and Renoir’s “Luncheon of the Boating Party.” He was the founder of the Analemma Society and with his wife Jacque, instrumental in establishing the Remote Astronomical Telescope Observatory and the Rolltop Observatory and Educational Center, Great Falls, VA."